18 нояб. 2011 г.

IT and teachers

Key skills and attitudes for IT literate teachersThis is a featured page

This part is an attempt to define the key skills that teachers using technology for ELT should posses.

The aim of this is for teachers to be able to see what skills they want to develop and work toward and so set themselves developmental goals. Please feel free to add any skills that you think are 'key' ones. I've also added a 'desirable' section for ones that aren't essential but are very useful.

Key Skills
  • The ability to evaluate technological resources and recognise their potential and limitations for language development
  • The ability to understand and learn how to use new IT resources
  • The ability to explain students why and how to use certain technology

Key attitudes
  • The willing ness to learn new things and the commitment to keep learning
  • The readiness to prepare plan B in case technology fails

Desirable Skills
  • The ability to create interactive learning objects

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